Unity board

The Complete IoT solution

Made-in-Nigeria Education Technology Platform, a hardware with an embedded AI/ IoT STEAM Education Kit to drive learning and teaching of IoT, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Unity Board is the perfect platform that brings both Professionals and Students (Industry and Academia) together; a made-in-Nigeria IoT (internet of things) fully featured Development Board & Educational Kit bringing internet of things at your fingertips of every user. With the possibility of talking to the cloud, great opportunities are created like using smart technologies to solve unique problems and design revolutionary innovations.
It is user friendly and fully compatible with Arduino and peripheral modules making it programmable with Arduino IDE and compatible with all the example codes and libraries for Arduino.

Areas of Applications

Learning Embedded Programming, Developing and Testing Firmware

With the resent trend of Internet of Things (IoT), connectivity with embedded devices and systems. Designing have reached the next generation form, by connecting these systems using IoT one can make the dedicated embedded systems to become the entire data source for a complete business process and with full support of arduino, the unity board provides an easy to use interface where embedded programming and real life projects can be easily executed

Learning Embedded Programming, Developing and Testing Firmware

With the resent trend of Internet of Things (IoT), connectivity with embedded devices and systems. Designing have reached the next generation form, by connecting these systems using IoT one can make the dedicated embedded systems to become the entire data source for a complete business process and with full support of arduino, the unity board provides an easy to use interface where embedded programming and real life projects can be easily executed

Smart Technology

Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, or SMART, is a fault detection, monitoring and maintenance technology used by computers to provide advanced notification for hard disk drive (HDD) failures.
Initially, this technology was used only to detect fault for Hard drives in computers, SMART technology has now evolved to various applications such as; home automation. e-Health, wearable technology and others. The Unity Board provides an easy interface with bluetooth, WIFI and SIM communication modules SMART technology can be implemented even without the use of a computer

Smart Technology

Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, or SMART, is a fault detection, monitoring and maintenance technology used by computers to provide advanced notification for hard disk drive (HDD) failures.
Initially, this technology was used only to detect fault for Hard drives in computers, SMART technology has now evolved to various applications such as; home automation. e-Health, wearable technology and others. The Unity Board provides an easy interface with bluetooth, WIFI and SIM communication modules SMART technology can be implemented even without the use of a computer
Tracking Systems & Fleet Management
With the resent tread of Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity with embedded devices, the embedded systems designing have reached the next generation form. By connecting embedded systems using IoT one can make the dedicated embedded systems to become the entire data source for a complete business process. with full support of arduino, the board provides an easy to use interface where embedded programming and real life projects can be easily executed

Other areas of applications

IoT technology has developed into various modern day industries all of which can now fuction with litlle or no human intervention some of this industries include;


  •  Tracking Systems & Fleet Management 
  • Data Acquisition Systems
  • Grid/Infrastructure Monitoring, Environment Monitoring

How Unity Board stands against other platforms

Board Specifications

1. Microcontroller: ATmega328P Operating Voltage: 5V Input Voltage: 7-12V Digital I/O Pins: 14 PWM Digital I/O Pins: 6 Analog Input Pins: 6 DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 3A DC Current for 5V Pin: 3A Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328P) SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328P) EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328P) Clock Speed: 16 MHz


 3. 128MBit SPI Serial EEPROM – Can store 32 000 fingerprints 

4. Real-time Clock & Calendar (RTCC) with backup battery holder 

5. 6-DOF Inertia measurement Unit (IMU) 

6. OTA capability

 7. Arduino compatible pins (R3 Shield Compatible) 

8. integrated GSM/GPRS Module;

 9. integrated Wi-Fi (ESP8266);

 10. integrated Bluetooth LE 


Board Layout

Block Diagram Of Unity Board

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